Blue Bottle Cafe

My favorite coffee place, now. I can’t drink coffee straight, because it just tastes too strong and bitter. So when I ordered the New Orleans iced coffee, I was expecting that its combination of coffee + milk would be too strong without massive amounts of syrup, half and half, or chocolate. And yet it was smooth, mild, and so good. It didn’t need any cream or sugar or anything. This was like a paradigm shift for me.

Anyway, some pics I took on this trip last weekend in the San Francisco Blue Bottle location, including a shot of our friend DC (you’re now a star to my audience of two!):

The pour

Blue Bottle Coffee
66 Mint St
San Francisco, CA

14 thoughts on “Blue Bottle Cafe

  1. Ah gorgeous photos as always. I want to think of something original to write, but my christmas-prepping brain is taking over any chance of creative comments! Reminds me of the iced chocolate I had in New Orleans itself this June. It was divine!

  2. Oh, that light! Love all of these, should be part of their marketing. :) I’ve heard of the amazingness of BB, I’ll need to get there next time I’m in SF!

  3. i agree- you should send them these photos for marketing! gorgeous light!!! and makes me want to go grab some hot coffee – would be soooo good in this cold, rainy day.

  4. Who’s the guy with glasses with an underbite looking out the window? He exudes a deep and brooding masculine sexuality that’s so irresistible…

  5. Pingback: A flickr mixer, part II | A Happy Day

  6. Oy! I gotta try that iced coffee! I’m usually pretty boring about the coffee I order: black drip. That second shot with the barista pouring the cream is pure magic. It really captures the morning mood at Blue Bottle perfectly!

  7. Pingback: Revisiting Blue Bottle | A Happy Day

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