Stephanie’s birthday bash

Happy (now belated) birthday to Stephanie!  She celebrated her birthday in style with an awesome BBQ. Amazing food galore — pizza with bbq sauce and cherries, grilled chicken, drinks, and more… So good.

A quick side note: I brought my rented Canon 50mm/1.2 to the BBQ and wowee… the colors are gorgeous. So different from the 50mm/1.4. The photos below are pretty much straight from the camera, just with a little contrast and sharpening. Also, I shot ev-er-y-thing at f/1.2. It’s the right thing to do.

~Happy birthday, Stephanie! Here’s to many more. So happy to have gotten to know you this past year!~


18 thoughts on “Stephanie’s birthday bash

  1. Beautiful shots~ Some skin tones seem a bit cold but overall great colors indeed! I love how you said on twitter that you wish the f1.2 wouldn’t be that big of a difference than 1.4.

  2. Thank you for all these photos since I had my hands too covered in melonflourbuffalosaucerawmeat to pick up my camera. They’re great! the 1.2 is really something.

  3. It just so happened that The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy was playing while I scrolled through these photos and it was perfect. Everything looks delectable! Nice shots!

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